We are lucky that there are already lots of plastic-free alternatives for keeping ourselves clean.
It is just a matter of trying them and finding the ones that work for you. Often plastic-free alternatives use far less chemicals, so it is better for us as well as for the environment.
Actually, the basics of cleaning are in two plastic-free products – clear malt vinegar and bicarbonate of soda (also called baking soda). You can buy clear malt vinegar in glass bottles in most supermarkets. Bicarbonate of soda is sold in cardboard boxes in Savers.
Out and About
If you take a few minutes before you leave the house to decide which of these to take with you, you’ll be more successful than you think at keeping your plastic waste down when you are out and about.
Reducing food-related plastic means shopping in several shops and spending a little time at home making things. Local shops and cafes are the best places to find plastic-free options and you will be investing in the local community. Here are some ideas for reducing the amount of single-use plastic that you use.
Recipes were collected and tested by members of Plastic-free Dunfermline.
If you wish to submit a recipe or any ideas, don't hesitate to contact us!